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Investment Portfolio

REGENCY ASSET Financial Advisory


(Augmented Reality, AR)

‘Everysight’ is an Israeli augmented reality (AR) smartglass technology company established in 2014 as a spinoff of Elbit Systems(Nasdaq : ESLT), a global aerospace and defence company. ‘Everysight’ provides heads-up display technology and brings the fighter jet pilot AR experience to general consumers at a reasonable price. The AR smartglass “Raptor”, developed by ‘Everysight’, is considered the most wearable smart glasses on the market.

The Raptor provides riders with a true augmented reality experience by floating information crisply and directly before the eye without blocking riders’s vision, meaning they can safely access and analyze vital information on-the-go and maximize their performance.

BMW has partnered with ‘Everysight’. An augmented reality product that projects navigation instructions and gear selection onto the rider's smart glasses in synchronization with the BMW Motorrad Connected smartphone app, giving riders less time to look down on the dial and more time to look ahead.